
Showing posts from September, 2018

Essay #1

Idea Draft

Q/D #5

"I always saw teaching adults to read and write as a political act, an act of knowledge, and therefore as a creative act" (page 10). This quote really intrigued me because when you are learning to read and write you don't think of it as any of the things Freire listed, but you think of it as a way of communicating. Freire's idea made learning to read and write more of a meaningful thing rather than something that everyone does just because they are supposed to. It opened up my idea of what reading and writing is, and now I know why we put so much value on words and the world in our society.

The Unexpected

When people think of the term "best friend" they usually imagine two people growing up together from a very young age and sticking together through it all. My best friend and I haven't known each other since we were babies. Our friendship was out of the blue, or unexpected. I started 9th grade not knowing anyone at my new performing arts high school. I went the first year and a half with a small friend group and a "best friend" who was in my Acting 1 class. I started dancing at school my sophomore year and I was opened up to a whole new group of people who I felt very comfortable being around. My best friend's name is Melynia Mamauag or Nia which is what we all call her. I started hanging out with her outside of school around the end of my junior year and this is when we got close. She opened me up to new things and she always felt like a sister to me, someone I could go to for help and always look up to. We have only known each other for only 3 years now bu...

Q/D #2

"There is no single, linear path through the process of learning to write well; indeed, what makes learning to write well so difficult is that it can't be learned by moving in orderly steps from the easiest concepts to the most complex." (Page 5, Paragraph 2) I believe this quote is explaining that everyone learns and writes in different ways, going down different "paths" to writing well. I feel as though I can relate to this quote because I have had problems with comparing myself to others when working on writing assignments. But this quote is reassuring because it shows us everyone's writing style is different and writing well is challenging so we are not struggling by ourselves.