
Showing posts from April, 2019



ROUGH DRAFT: Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes

Inquiry Question

How can the the Greater Bay Area encourage victims of hate crimes to speak out in order to bring an end to terror against the people in our community?


1. In the book "In the Country We Love; My Family Divided" Diane Guerrero talks about her tragic story of coming home from school in America to find her family has been deported back to Colombia. I haven't gotten the book yet, but from what i've heard from my classmates, this book seems very deep and emotional. I think I will enjoy reading Guerrero's story and struggles growing up without guidance and help from the people she loved most. I think this book will talk about her struggles growing up without a family and what others did for her to help her succeed. I also think it will be about her acting career and how she got into it and what pushed her to keep going with that career choice.

QW: How was break? 4/3/19

Mini-Self Assessment: I know I can do better in this class because at the beginning of the semester I was trying and right before spring break I fell behind a little bit since I missed a few classes and assignments. I think I would change my labor and try harder in this class so I can get a good grade in the end.